


Enoch First Nations


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

TAWAW role

Architectural Design

architect of record

Tawaw Architecture Collective Inc.





The collaboration of the project consist of Enoch Cree Nation and Canadain Ecotourism Services. The Enoch Cree Nation Interpretive Centre will provide a multitude of performances and events serving the Cree nation and it’s neighboring city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.





The Interpretive Centre will be deeply immersed with conventional and traditional (cultural) interactive designs with opportunities of storytelling and narratives that give way to a whole new experience of being in a Cree Nation performance and theater hall.


number of community engagements


Community Cohesion

Enoch Cree Nation Interpretive Centre emphasizes the Cree concept and name ‘Maskekoshik’ translating into ‘people of the land of medicine’ in creating a contemporary performance and theater hall that will heal and incubate new relations and bonds by means of bringing people together for various events.


Honorary Fellow

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is proud to announce that Wanda Dalla Costa, a prominent Indigenous voice and practitioner in North American architecture, has been awarded honorary fellowship for 2022. Wanda Dalla Costa is a member of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation and was the first First Nation woman to become an architect in Canada. Her firm, Tawaw Architecture Collective, is based in Phoenix, Arizona. She is the director and founder of Arizona State University’s Indigenous Design Collaborative, a community-driven design and construction program that brings together tribal community members, industry and multidisciplinary teams of university students and faculty to co-design and co-develop solutions for tribal communities. Dalla Costa is a prominent Indigenous female voice within the architectural profession–specifically within the academic sphere in North America.

YBCA's 100 Honorees: Wanda Dalla Costa

Indigenous Design Collaborative's founder and design director Wanda Dalla Costa was recognized as YBCA 100 list of change makers and cultural activists working at the intersection of art, social change and civic life.

Trailblazer Award: Wanda Dalla Costa

Presented this year as part of NZ20, the world's largest net zero conference and expo, the Trailblazer Awards celebrate leaders who are building a net zero future through their work in the carbon, energy, water, waste, transit and/or policy sectors.

St. Lawrence Center Competition Award 2023


Jeff Harnar Award
Unbuilt Architecture 2021